My dear friends in Hymnodia chamber choir, are going to premiere on saturday my new arrangement of the very old Icelandic melody, "Ár var alda", in Akureyri church, Iceland (see event on Facebook. The piece will be a part of very interesting concert program, were Icelandic and Norwegian folk music will be combined. The music will be performed by the Icelandic Hymnodia, and the Norwegians, Harald Skullerud (percussion) and Steinar Strøm (hardingfele).
Grant from Tónskáldasjóður 365 (365's composers fund)
Today I got the good news that I have been granted 100.000 ISK from the Icelandic Tónskáldsjóður 365. I got the grant to work on a new Icelandic sonata for flute and piano that will be premiered in Iceland in summer 2015. The fluteist Hafdís Vigfúsdóttir and the consert pianist Kristján Karl Bragason, have orderd the piece to be performed at two festivals in Iceland in the summer of 2015, Bergmál (Echos) in Dalvík and Þjóðlagahátíð (The Icelandic Folk Music Festival) in Siglufjörður.
More details on the progress and the structure of the piece will come soon.
Art from the Start at the Affordable Art Fair, Stockholm
My new and exciting project, Art from the Start, with my fantastic coworkers, writer and singer Anna K. Larson and photograph Sonja Hesslow, will be part of Affordable Art Fair, Stockholm 2014. Our project will be presented on the second of October. More info comming soon :)